Income Protector

If you can’t work for a while because you’re sick or injured, you’re still going to need money to pay the bills. An income protector ensures that those pay cheques keep coming.


  • Pay you pre-agreed monthly instalments if you can’t do your job as a result of disability or illness.
  • Help you protect one of your most valuable assets: your future salary, so that you can continue to pay your monthly bond and vehicle costs, grocery and utility bills, and all the other things that your salary normally covers.

Most people pay for their home and car (and insure these assets) from their monthly income. And yet, they don’t insure that income.

The premiums paid on the income protector are even tax deductible in most cases.

Lost income is usually caused by a temporary disability, through an accident or illness. Should you ever be unable to work for the reasons mentioned above, and if you are still paying your premiums at the time, the insurer will pay you the agreed monthly amount. Just like your regular income, you will be taxed on these amounts.

Your most valuable asset isn’t your house or car, it’s your salary. So if you get retrenched or injured – we make sure you never have to battle.

Call us to enquire about your salary protection options.

“Eddie is a good advisor that always explains everything in dept, and he always has your best interest’s art heart”

Edward Pitcher
Fourier Approach

“Eddie did a complete financial profile with detailed calculations of myself before recommending any financial products. His calculations were very transparent and easy to understand which made choosing the right financial tools that much easier. I recommended his to my family - something I wouldn't normally do unless I felt very comfortable with the level of expertise and integrity of the service”

Modes Cloete
CP Project Management & Training Consultants